For Nikolai Korndorf, Claude Vivier, and Roussi Tarmakov
November – the month of remembrance. This concert is a musical prayer for three Canadian composers who left behind an incredible musical legacy. Please join the Yarilo Contemporary Music Ensemble: pianists Jane Hayes and Anna Levy, with guests the Borealis String Quartet, narrator David Skulski, with multi-media by 11thirty Media, as it honours three Canadian composers who departed from us before their time: Nikolai Korndorf, Roussi Tarmakov, and Claude Vivier.
On the program will be world premieres of works by John Burke (for Claude Vivier), and Gheorghi Arnaoudov (for Roussi Tarmakov), and the Canadian premiere of a composition by Faraj Karayev (for Nikolai Korndorf). Also on the concert will be music by Jocelyn Morlock, Giya Kancheli, and Alfred Schnittke. Narrator David Skulski will read verses penned by the 11th-century Armenian mystic St. Gregory of Narek. The concert takes place on Friday, November 20, 8:00 pm. at the Orpheum Annex Theatre. Tickets $20/$15; early bird special by November 13: $15.